Trent Bridge

On farm and online via AuctionsPlus 171 WAGYU BULLS PREMIUM GENETICS FOR PREMIUM MARKETS Average marble score of +2.4 (double breed average) 137 bulls with a marble score over +2 30 bulls with a marble score over +3 Average in the top 7% for both the F1 Index and the Breeder Feeder Index TRENTBRIDGE.COM.AU AN ELITE OFFERING OF HIGH QUALITY BULLS Thursday 5th September, 2024 | 1pm (AEST)

2024 BULL SALE 171 BULLS FOR SALE Thursday 5th September at 1pm (AEST) Bulls penned from 10am On property sale and online via AuctionsPlus OFFERING ADDRESS 1953 Aberfoyle Road, Aberfoyle “Bambi” CONTACT AGENT – ARMITAGE & BUCKLEY Charlie Perry +61 0422 662 196 Luke Heagney +61 0459 044 447 Tom Piddington +61 0429 525 797

SALE DAY INFORMATION DISCLAIMER: All reasonable care has been taken by the vendor and selling agent to ensure that the information provided in this catalogue is correct at the time of print. The vendor and selling agents make no representations about the accuracy, reliability or completeness of information provided and do not assume any responsibility for the use or interpretation of the information included in this catalogue. Visitors are to enter bull pens at their own risk. Children under 16 years are not permitted to enter the bull pens. All care is taken to ensure our bulls are consistently managed in a low stress environment. However, we cannot ever predict or guarantee an animal’s behaviour. Sale day places abnormal pressure on our bulls with crowds of people walking around them and so the behaviour of even the quietest bull can be unpredictable. With this in mind, we ask that while inspecting sale bulls you move around them quietly and respectfully. Please do not congregate in pens and be aware of bulls fighting. SALE DAY SAFETY Directions: Please note that sale day and inspections will be held at our property ‘Bambi’ 1953 Aberfoyle Road, Aberfoyle (next door to ‘Trent Bridge’). The live auction will take place in the ‘Bambi’ woolshed from 1pm AEST and will be interfaced online with AuctionsPlus. Catering: We love nothing more than bringing friends and family together for a great meal, on sale day we will have all cylinders firing with a BBQ lunch provided for all guests and complimentary tea and coffee available. We have partnered with Andrews Meats to bring you meat from their industry leading Tajima program (F1 and Fullblood). Thanks to Jeremy and the team for helping us feed the sale day crowd. Insurance: Bulls can be insured through ACME insurance brokers, representative Rod Butler can be contacted via 0448 108 867 and will have a stand at the sale. Alternatively please make arrangements with your preferred agency. We recommend that bulls are insured. J-BAS: The Trent Bridge herd is J-BAS 7. Stud Transfers: Please advise on sale day if you require bull ownership to be transferred to your AWA prefix. Rebate: A 2.5% rebate is offered to outside agents introducing buyers prior to sale day. Client introductions must be made in writing to the vendor (via email 24 hours prior to the sale, and settle within 7 days.

4 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets WELCOME TO TRENT BRIDGE Dear Wagyu Breeders, The Perry family and our wonderful team are excited to welcome you to our second annual Trent Bridge Wagyu bull sale Thursday 5th September. For those that attended our inaugural sale last year I would like to express our most sincere thanks for your support of our program. We were truly humbled by the result and feel lucky to be supported by so many exceptional farmers and supply chains in our industry. The 171 bulls catalogued represents by far the largest run of Wagyu bulls to be put to market. Our aim in doing this is to ensure we can give all clients a large choice of bulls at commercial rates. We are very proud of this year’s lineup of bulls, who boast an average marble score of +2.4 (double breed average) and include 137 bulls with a marble score over +2 and 30 bulls with a marble score over +3. We always try and take a balanced approach to breeding cattle and you will see that there are also many bulls with strong growth and maternal traits throughout the catalogue that are more suited to higher Wagyu content herds. As I document the EBV averages for this draft of bulls I am reminded by the stunning genetic progress that the entire Wagyu breed is making. Only five years ago, the average marble score of our bulls sold was +1.7. At that time that was in the top 10% of the breed. Since then, our average marble score of bulls offered has gone up nearly 50% to +2.4, and our cattle are still within the top 10% of the breed. Many of our clients have bulls that are over 8 years old, and as more pressure comes from supply chains to improve the quality and consistency of the carcase produced they have had to look to upgrade their genetics. After a very tough spring in 2023 we have been lucky to have a very soft autumn and winter and the bulls are a testament to these conditions. They were weaned on the 15th of January and have done 1.1kg ADG since weaning, making them 20kg heavier than the average last year. They are undoubtedly the best line of bulls we have bred and we look forward to having you inspect them on sale day. The past 12 months have presented challenges for many, with dry spells affecting various parts of the country and the persistent issue of rising costs. Earlier this year, I had the privilege of attending both the Wagyu Conference and Beef Week, where market analysts discussed the favourable marco forces that look to propel the Australian cattle industry forward in the mid to long term. Factors such as Australia’s strong position in key markets, global weather patterns causing supply shortages, and increased demand amid a dry spell in the US, point to a positive upswing in farm gate prices. Amidst these developments, the burning question for many remains: where are Wagyu prices headed?

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 5 The volatility of supply is further exacerbated by two key factors: • Any animal that is considered 50% Wagyu is called Wagyu. Therefore a herd of a 1000 Angus cows can produce no Wagyu cattle one year and then 1000 the following year and then back to none the following year. This replicated over multiple herds as a significant impact. • Both the female and male progeny are terminal in crossbreeding operations. There are no other parts of the beef industry that can so rapidly increase and decrease their numbers. So far this year there seems to be limited appetite in the market for wagyu bulls. This combined with the smaller differential in price between F1 Wagyu and Angus suggests to me that we are heading towards a lower joining rate for this spring. In our own business we see these conditions as an opportunity and have significantly increased our planned joinings of Angus females this spring. Should you have any questions on the bulls catalogued or require further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We always welcome the opportunity for private inspections of bulls prior to the sale. We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming sale and the opportunity to showcase our bulls. A look back at F1 Wagyu prices: While I don’t possess a crystal ball, I firmly believe that trends tend to persist. The comparative graph below illustrates the price fluctuations of an F1 Wagyu feeder against an Angus feeder over the past 38 quarters, highlighting the inherent volatility in the F1 market compared to Angus. Moreover, it is evident how the increase and decrease in Wagyu supply impact the price. When we see the price disparity between Angus and F1’s at a high point, we see more people move to produce Wagyu’s, followed by an increase in supply and a subsequent downturn. This invariably leads to an under supply and then an increase in price. Right now the price between Angus and an F1 is as close to parity as it has been since 2019 and early 2020. Noting that cattle joined in that period and sold in 2022 and 2023 had a significant premium over Angus. F1 WAGYU V ANGUS FEEDER $per kg $14 $12 $10 $8 $6 $4 $2 $0 F1 Wagyu Angus 2015 2019 2017 2021 2016 2020 2018 2022 2023

6 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets NEW TO F1 WAGYU? YEARLING BULLS: Relationships: Less than 7% of F1’s are bought and sold through public markets (like AuctionsPlus) the vast majority of cattle are sold directly into supply chains. If you are looking at moving into F1’s for the first time, our suggestion would be to make contact with a supply chain and talk to them about your breeding plans. They may wish to discuss the type of female you will be using and will likely have specifications around the type of bulls that are suitable for their individual F1 programs. Marbling is King: With the F1 program, the first metric to look at is the marble score EBV. Most supply chains look to have a marble score EBV average of over 1.5, though each supply chain is different. Growth: Although marbling is critical, as a producer you still get paid on kilograms of live weight, so do consider the growth figures of the animals. The only thing to keep in mind is birth weight. Although wagyu are smaller than other breeds, they still have the capacity to produce bigger calves – so we recommend a birth weight EBV of under 2.2 for heifers. In contrast if you are joining cows there is a lot more opportunity to push birth weight and growth figures. A common question we get asked is around the different growth rates of F1’s compared to a straight angus. Although there are a number of variables, including the growth figures of the specific wagyu bull, the average discounted growth rate is approximately 10%. Replacement Females: Obviously we are very focussed on the bull side, but just as much attention needs to be placed on the female side of your breeding program. We recommend selecting females bred from studs with a focus on carcase traits. • Wagyu’s are naturally fertile, however, yearling bulls need to be looked after. Our recommendation is one yearling bull should not be joined to more than 30 females and consider the size of your joining paddock. • If you are doing an AI program and then backing up with yearlings, consider more bulls, as a large number of animals coming on heat at one time can test their stamina. • Once the season is finished bulls will often have lost quite a bit of condition, we suggest looking after them before the next joining. • As mature bulls (24 months +), wagyus demonstrate great fertility and longevity and can normally handle around 55 to 60 females in a joining. Historically the majority of our sale bulls have gone over angus females and into F1 wagyu programs. If you are entering into this market, here are a few things to consider: If you are using yearling bulls for the first time, here are a few things to consider:

Marble Score The average marble score for the bulls is 2.4 which is in the top 7% of the breed Breed Average Breed Average Breed Average Breed Average Trent Bridge Wagyu Sale Bulls 2024 Trent Bridge Wagyu Sale Bulls 2024 Trent Bridge Wagyu Sale Bulls 2024 Trent Bridge Wagyu Sale Bulls 2024 Breeder Feeder Index The average for the Breeder Feeder index is in the top 7% of the breed F1 Index The average for the F1 index for sale bulls is 223 which is in the top 7% of the breed Carcase Weight The average for the Carcase Weight index is in the top 30% of the breed OUR BREEDING PROGRAM 2.4 1.2 223 135 360 184 30 20 Throughout this catalogue we describe in detail the merit of our animals in terms of their EBV’s. The reason for this is simple, in a wagyu supply chain the value proposition is quite clear, the higher the value of the carcase (in terms of marbling, EMA, marble fineness and carcase weight) the better the outcome across the supply chain. But in our breeding program, our first priority is to apply the foundational principles of cattle production to our herd: • A female must go in calf, raise a calf and go back in calf. Each year we continue to put more pressure on our joining window • The animals must be structurally sound with good feet • The animals must have a good temperament Historically, we have had a very high marbling herd. Each year the average marble score of our entire year drop of calves will sit at around the 15th percentile for the breed. In general terms marbling and growth traits are inversely correlated: to breed for extremes in either of these traits is not difficult, but to have high marbling, with good growth capacity and carcase traits is more challenging. Over the last five years we have made a concerted effort to maintain a very high level of marbling, but also find bulls that can provide growth, carcase weight and have strong maternal features. The catalogued bulls are sitting exactly where we want them to be with an average marble score of at +2.4 (top 10% of the breed) and an average carcase weight of +30 (top 30% of the breed). A core part of our own business is breeding commercial F1 feeders. Each animal is genomically tested with the latest technology, Wagyu Feeder Check and sire verified. This gives us the basis to collect significant amounts of data from weaning through to slaughter on their performance and profitability. This information is then incorporated into our stud breeding program to help us to continue to produce premium genetics for premium markets. The Recessive Gene status for each animal is described in each lot and will look like this “B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF”. If you looking to purchase a bull for a crossbreeding program (F1 to F3) then the recessive gene is not applicable as these conditions are not prevalent in other breeds. However, if you have a purebred or fullblood herd it is another data point to consider. We believe the genetic diversity in the Wagyu population is too small to completely discount any animal that is a carrier for a genetic condition, that being said, we do seek to actively manage it. You will see across the catalogue the vast majority of animals are free of all recessive genes. If you would like more information on this topic visit:

How to register and bid on AuctionsPlus For more information please contact us on: (02) 9262 4222 or

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 9 HEALTH CHECK AND VACCINATION SCHEDULE All bulls have had the following treatments and will require an annual booster • 7 in 1 • Pestigurad • Vibriovax • Tested negative for Pestivirus In areas where 3-day sickness, red water disease or tick fever may be prevalent we recommend bulls be treated accordingly before entering these areas. We are happy to discuss this further with individual clients to meet their requirements. Semen testing All bulls will be semen tested by the industry leading team from Ced Wise Artificial Breeding Services. Test results will be supplied on a supplementary sheet on sale day. • Pass (P) • Qualified Pass (QP)

10 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets EBVs While we will never know the exact breeding value, for performance traits, it is possible to make good estimates based on the performance of the animal and its progeny. These are called Estimated Breeding Values (EBVs) and are therefore the best estimate of an animal’s genetic merit. EBVs are expressed as the difference between an individual animal’s genetics and a historical genetic level (i.e. group of animals) within the Wagyu BREEDPLAN genetic evaluation and are reported in the units in which the measurements are taken. ACCURACY An accuracy value is presented with every EBV and gives an indication of the amount of information that has been used in the calculation of that EBV. The higher the accuracy, the lower the likelihood of change in the animal’s EBV as more information is analysed for that animal or its relatives. • LESS THAN 50% = Low accuracy and should be considered a preliminary estimate. The EBV could change substantially as more performance information becomes available. • 50 – 74% = Medium accuracy, usually based on the animal’s own records and pedigree. • 75 – 90% = Medium-high accuracy and usually includes some progeny information. Becoming a more reliable indicator of the animal’s value as a parent. • 90% and above = High accuracy. FERTILITY AND BIRTH Scrotal Size EBV (cm) is an indicator of male fertility regarding semen quality and quantity in Western breeds of cattle. Higher (positive) EBVs indicate higher fertility. There is also a small negative correlation (desirable) with age of puberty and fertility in female progeny. The relationship between scrotal size and fertility in Wagyu is assumed, but not proven. Gestation Length EBV (days) is based on AI records. Lower (negative) GL EBVs indicate shorter gestation lengths which generally relate to lighter birth weights and easier calving. Birth Weight EBV (kg) is based on the measured birth weight of animals, adjusted for dam age. The lower the value the lighter the calf at birth and the lower the likelihood of a difficult birth. This is particularly important when selecting sires for use over heifers. GROWTH 200-Day Milk EBV (kg) is an estimate of an animal’s milking ability. For sires, this EBV is indicative of their daughter’s milking ability as it affects the 200-day weight of their calves. 200-Day Growth EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of animals taken between 80 and 300 days of age. Values are adjusted to 200 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth to early ages. 400-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 301 and 500 days of age, adjusted to 400 days and dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for yearling weight. 600-Day Weight EBV (kg) is calculated from the weight of progeny taken between 501 and 900 days of age, adjusted to 600 days and for dam age. This EBV is the best single estimate of an animal’s genetic merit for growth beyond yearling age. CARCASE Carcase Weight EBV (kg) is based on abattoir carcase records and live weight measurements (particularly at 600-Day weight) and is an indicator of the genetic differences in carcase weight at the industry average slaughter age of 990 days. Larger positive values are more favourable. Eye Muscle Area EBV (cm2) estimates genetic differences in eye muscle area at the 12/13th rib site of a 420kg dressed carcase. A higher positive EBV indicates larger eye muscle area and therefore higher retail beef yields. Ultrasound, Aus-Meat and Japanese Digital Image Camera measurements from slaughter animals contribute to this EBV. An animal’s breeding value is its genetic merit, half of which will be passed on to its progeny.

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 11 WAGYU BREEDOBJECT $INDEXES BreedObject $Indexes target economic breeding objectives based on average herd and market conditions and have generally targeted the main markets within the main production systems, combining genetic information within BREEDPLAN into one EBV for each $Index that considers productions costs and realised value. Rump Fat EBV (mm) estimates the genetic differences in fat depth at the P8 site of a 420kg dressed carcase. A higher positive EBV indicates more subcutaneous fat and earlier maturity. Retail Beef Yield Percent EBV (%) estimates the genetic differences in total (boned out) meat yield as a percentage of a 420kg dressed carcase. A higher positive EBV indicates higher percentage yield for the 420kg carcase weight. Marble Score EBV: (Aus-Meat Marble Score) is an estimate of the genetic difference in the Aus-Meat Marble Score in a 420kg carcase. Marble Score EBV utilise the Aus-Meat Marble Score on a scale of 1 to 10, where 10 is equivalent to an Aus-Meat Marble grading of 9+. Where results from the Japanese Digital Image Camera are available, marbling percentage and marble fineness are also used to calculate Marble Score EBV as the genetic correlations between these measures are very high. Larger positive values are more favourable. Marble Fineness EBV: (Marbling Fineness Index) estimates the genetic differences in the Marbling Fineness Index (degree of fleck of marbling fat) as measured by the Japanese Digital Image Camera. A more positive EBV indicates higher levels of marbling fineness. Self-Replacing Breeding Index (SRI) the self-replacing index can be used to select Fullblood bulls that will produce more profitable females when these are retained in Fullblood or Purebred herds, in addition to profitable slaughter progeny. The SRI estimates the genetic differences between animals in terms of net profitability per cow joined for production of replacement females and slaughter steers to a carcase weight of 435kg at 32 months of age. In terms of relative economic importance, the SRI places the following emphasis on these main traits: 38.5% on marble score (MS); 13% on Residual Feed Intake (RFI) feedlot; 11% on sale liveweight (which will reflect the growth potential and therefore carcase weight of an animal); 8% on meat yield; 6% on dressing percentage and 23.5% placed on other cow and calf traits. Breeder Feeder Index Promotes a high growth response, especially for post-weaning gain/Carcase Weight. It reduces the number of high ranking extreme high and low Birth Weight EBV sires, and delivers positive emphasis for Milk and Scrotal Size. It applies a slight negative emphasis on high Mature Cow Weight while strongly positively emphasising Carcase Weight; whilst also providing a high selection response for Marble Score. F1 Terminal Index (F1I) The F1 Terminal Index has an increased weighting on the Marble Score EBV and can be used to select bulls to produce profitable F1 slaughter progeny where non are retained for breeding. The F1 Index estimates the genetic differences between animals in terms of net profitability cow joined based on production of a 420kg carcase from steers and a 385kg carcase from heifers at 28 months of age. In terms of relative economic importance, the F1 Index places the following emphasis on these main traits: 68% on MS; 9% on Residual Feed Intake (RFI) feedlot; 4% on sale liveweight; 6% on meat yield; 4% on dressing percentage and 9% placed on other young animal traits and 0% on maternal traits.

12 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets EBV PERCENTILE TABLE Current as of July 2024 Breedplan EBVs BAND GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RBY (MM) RBY (%) MAR- BLE FINE NESS (%) SRI $ F1 TI $ BFI $ Top Value -5.7 -6.7 52 87 126 140 13 4.6 115 18.2 8.8 3.8 4.6 0.73 450 369 688 Top 1% -3.4 -3.2 35 58 77 84 8 2.3 68 12.1 4.9 2.4 3.2 0.52 343 274 463 Top 5% -2.4 -1.9 28 46 61 65 6 1.5 53 9.2 3.4 1.8 2.6 0.43 289 234 381 Top 10% -1.8 -1.2 24 39 53 56 5 1.1 45 7.8 2.6 1.5 2.3 0.38 262 212 338 Top 15% -1.5 -0.7 21 35 47 50 4 0.8 40 6.8 2.1 1.2 2.1 0.35 245 197 309 Top 20% -1.2 -0.3 19 31 43 45 3 0.6 36 6.1 1.7 1.1 2 0.32 231 185 286 Top 25% -1 0 17 28 39 41 3 0.4 33 5.5 1.3 0.9 1.8 0.3 219 175 266 Top 30% -0.8 0.3 15 26 35 37 2 0.2 30 4.9 1 0.8 1.7 0.28 208 166 248 Top 35% -0.6 0.5 14 24 32 34 2 0.1 27 4.4 0.7 0.6 1.6 0.26 199 157 231 Top 40% -0.5 0.8 13 21 30 30 1 0 24 3.9 0.4 0.5 1.5 0.24 190 150 215 Top 45% -0.3 1 11 19 27 27 1 -0.1 22 3.4 0.1 0.4 1.4 0.22 182 143 200 Top 50% BREED AVG -0.2 1.2 10 18 24 25 0 -0.2 20 3 -0.2 0.3 1.2 0.21 173 135 184 Top 55% 0 1.5 9 16 22 21 0 -0.3 17 2.5 -0.4 0.2 1.1 0.19 165 128 169 Top 60% 0.2 1.7 8 14 19 18 -1 -0.5 15 2.1 -0.7 0 1 0.17 158 121 153 Top 65% 0.3 2 7 12 16 15 -1 -0.6 12 1.6 -1 -0.1 0.9 0.16 150 114 137 Top 70% 0.5 2.3 6 10 14 12 -1 -0.7 10 1.1 -1.3 -0.2 0.8 0.14 141 106 120 Top 75% 0.7 2.5 4 8 11 9 -2 -0.8 7 0.5 -1.6 -0.3 0.6 0.12 132 98 101 Top 80% 0.9 2.9 3 5 7 5 -2 -0.9 4 -0.1 -2 -0.5 0.5 0.1 122 89 80 Top 85% 1.1 3.3 1 2 4 0 -3 -1.1 0 -0.8 -2.4 -0.7 0.3 0.07 110 78 56 Top 90% 1.4 3.7 -1 -1 -2 -5 -4 -1.3 -5 -1.7 -3 -0.9 0.1 0.04 95 65 26 Top 95% 1.9 4.5 -4 -7 -9 -14 -5 -1.6 -12 -3.2 -3.8 -1.2 -0.3 -0.01 73 46 -18 Top 99% 2.9 6 -10 -17 -23 -30 -8 -2.1 -25 -6 -5.4 -1.9 -0.9 -0.11 31 9 -101 Low Value 5.6 10 -25 -42 -61 -77 -14 -3.8 -53 -12.4 -9.2 -3.7 -2.7 -0.45 -92 -90 -332

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 13 REFERENCE SIRE EBVs Current as of July 2024 Breedplan EBVs ANIMAL ID SIRE OF SIRE PROG ENY NO. GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP FAT (MM) RBY (%) CWT (KG) MAR- BLE FINE NESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ TBRFQ118 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 23 -3.1 -1.1 13 27 34 41 2 0.7 51 3.7 -0.8 -0.8 0.2 2.6 0.52 296 448 265 TBRFR112 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR 20 0.3 0 12 23 29 35 2 0.1 41 10.6 -0.7 -0.7 2 2.8 0.44 328 483 271 TBRFQ111 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 19 -1.3 -1.4 5 18 24 25 -5 0 33 4.3 -2 -2 0.5 3.4 0.5 295 448 266 TBRFR214 PMGFL00013 PEPPERMILL GROVE L0013 EVIDENCE 18 -1.7 -1.5 1 4 17 5 -3 0.3 14 10.9 2.9 2.9 0.6 2.6 0.39 276 344 254 LSRFQ0102 SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 15 0.4 1.3 8 12 13 24 0 -1.6 21 7.9 -0.6 -0.6 0.4 3.4 0.53 323 474 279 MSMFR0049 DSWFN4431 TYDDEWI N4431 10 -0.7 1 16 24 35 45 -2 0 36 7 -0.4 -0.4 0.6 2.6 0.44 320 413 254 OGWFQ038 SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 9 -1.2 1.9 17 35 48 66 0 0.2 62 5.6 1.7 1.7 0.2 2.4 0.54 329 470 253 TBRFQ102 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 7 0.8 1.9 16 24 38 53 -6 0.1 60 8.1 -2.9 -2.9 1.2 2.3 0.54 304 428 228 TBRFR122 DSWFN4431 TYDDEWI N4431 7 -0.5 -0.5 2 7 11 19 -4 -1.6 18 9.2 2.1 2.1 0.3 3.3 0.51 331 417 280 HPWFR0074 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 6 3.2 2.3 20 31 35 42 1 0.2 39 1.4 -1.7 -1.7 0.4 2.2 0.45 249 369 194 TBRFR134 SRQFP086 COOCHIN MICHIFUKU 086 5 1.2 5.4 23 32 44 62 -1 -0.3 40 1.6 -2.8 -2.8 0.2 1.9 0.38 239 239 168 WKSFP1593 WKSFM0139 WORLD K'S HARUKI 2 (FB1614) 5 -3.5 -1.8 6 9 13 -3 1 0.2 8 15 -3.2 -3.2 2.8 2.6 0.19 294 355 275 SRQFP086 SMOFL00195 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU L195 4 -0.7 4.8 26 35 46 68 -8 -0.2 37 -0.1 -2.5 -2.5 -0.3 1.7 0.41 252 173 163 TBRFS321 TBRFJ0077 TRENT BRIDGE J77 4 -1.5 -0.5 9 21 28 27 -3 0.2 20 3.3 1.6 1.6 -0.7 2.9 0.42 295 375 269 ADBFH0602 IMUFLTF151 ITOZURUDOI TF151 (IMP USA) 3 -1.3 -1.1 0 -1 3 13 0 -0.7 12 0.4 1.3 1.3 -0.7 2.3 0.41 149 274 147 WRPFQ0014 MOYFD0507 MOYHU F D507 3 0.4 1.5 15 24 41 33 -2 0.1 27 1.6 0.1 0.1 -0.2 2.3 0.38 242 338 190 LFDFD12558 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) 2 -0.3 2 19 23 40 28 3 -0.4 23 5.4 -2.8 -2.8 1.6 2.8 0.13 266 413 201 MAXFR109 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR 2 -0.3 4 22 43 63 57 6 0.6 52 6.6 -1.9 -1.9 1.7 2.2 0.24 289 410 216 TBRFN185 BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 2 -2.2 2.4 16 34 33 27 3 -0.5 31 8.1 -4.5 -4.5 2.5 2.3 0.28 284 387 227 TBRFR106 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR 2 -0.5 1.5 8 17 22 20 2 -0.5 15 6.4 -0.2 -0.2 0.8 2.5 0.43 232 358 197 DSWFN4451 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR 1 2.2 2.4 19 33 43 42 -1 -0.4 48 2.4 2.7 2.7 0.2 1.6 0.23 250 314 166 MYMFR0010 SMOFL00195 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU L195 1 0.8 2.5 9 15 27 40 -7 -2 20 10.5 -7.4 -7.4 3.3 2.4 0.36 281 297 176 TBRFR131 SRQFP086 COOCHIN MICHIFUKU 086 1 -0.9 3.7 14 25 32 57 -11 -0.4 24 2 -0.8 -0.8 -0.3 1.7 0.38 235 155 156 TBRFR230 TBRFN346 TRENT BRIDGE N346 1 -0.1 7 32 59 90 99 12 0.7 71 1.1 -5.3 -5.3 1.4 1.8 0.23 249 279 159 TBRFS226 DSWFN7245 TYDDEWI N7245 1 -1.6 0.8 15 26 30 21 -6 -0.1 33 2.1 -0.3 -0.3 0.1 2.4 0.4 264 349 213

14 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets LOT 1 TRENT BRIDGE U101 (AI) Yearling LOT 2 TRENT BRIDGE U419 (AI) Yearling LOT 3 TRENT BRIDGE U207 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV 0.2 2.8 22 40 61 68 3 0.4 58 7.8 -0.5 1.5 2.1 0.32 324 428 227 ACC% 65 70 73 69 69 60 61 56 65 62 63 48 62 54 JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV 0.9 0.8 11 21 30 51 -1 -0.4 45 8.4 1.1 1 2.5 0.48 304 431 230 ACC% 63 69 72 67 66 58 59 52 64 60 61 44 60 52 JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV 0.5 1.9 12 17 25 40 4 -1.3 34 8.3 1.8 0.1 2.5 0.44 298 412 238 ACC% 67 72 73 70 69 61 60 56 66 63 64 51 63 54 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 SMOFC0016 SUMO CATTLE CO TANI C016 Sire:LSRFQ0102 DOOR KEY Q0102 LFDFD12558 LONGFORD MR AWESOME LSRFM0281 DOOR KEY M0281 LSRFJ0409 DOOR KEY J409 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) WESFB0039 WESTHOLME B0039 WESFW0222 WESTHOLME TOMIE Dam:TBRFP146 TRENT BRIDGE P146 WKSFS0100 WORLD K'S YASUFUKU JR (FB5061) TBRFL00126 TRENT BRIDGE L0126 TBRFD0130 TRENT BRIDGE F D130 SMOFL00195 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU L195 SRQFP086 COOCHIN MICHIFUKU 086 MCKFL01283 CODENWARRA HIRASHIGETAYASU L1283 Dam:TBRFS264 TRENT BRIDGE S264 GOSFT0060 GOSHU MICHITOMO TBRFN301 TRENT BRIDGE N301 TBRFJ0015 TRENT BRIDGE J15 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 SMOFC0152 SUMO CATTLE CO HANA C152 Dam:TBRFP401 TRENT BRIDGE P401 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) CCOFC0454 COATES NAMI C454 SUMFU2169 SUMO KANE U2169 Identifier: TBRF23U101 DOB: 19/07/2023 Projected Weight: 520KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL1613%, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U419 DOB: 31/07/2023 Projected Weight: 443KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U207 DOB: 17/07/2023 Projected Weight: 467KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF NOTES: Like many of the R112 sons in this catalogue, U419 combines an elite level carcase weight, marble score and EMA. Top 5% SRI and BFI. NOTES: The first of the LSRQ102 sons. A beautifully balanced bull who combines strong milk, EMA and marble score. A bull that would make a valuable contribution to any herd from F1 to elite seedstock production. NOTES: We are kicking off the sale with a powerful yearling bull sired by R112 who is one of the most influential bulls in this year’s sale. Out of P146, who is one of the most phenotypically correct females in our herd and a mainstay of our donor program. This bull combines powerful growth with a high marble score and a massive EMA.

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 15 LOT 4 TRENT BRIDGE U262 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.1 1.2 15 31 44 49 -3 0.6 51 7 -2.2 1.2 2.9 0.48 330 495 269 ACC% 64 68 72 67 66 57 59 52 63 59 60 44 60 50 SMOFC0158 SUMO CATTLE CO ITOSHIGENAMI C0158 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 CCOFC0446 COATES TANI C446 Sire:TBRFQ111 TRENT BRIDGE Q111 BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TBRFN190 TRENT BRIDGE N190 TBRFJ0038 TRENT BRIDGE J38 LFDFY0004 LONGFORD 004 TBRFM0208 TRENT BRIDGE TBRFM208 TBRFJ0031 TRENT BRIDGE J31 Dam:TBRFS603 TRENT BRIDGE S603 WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 TBRFK0007 TRENT BRIDGE K0007 TBRFG0104 TRENT BRIDGE F G104 LOT 5 TRENT BRIDGE U346 Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.2 1.7 19 39 57 68 2 0.5 54 2.4 -3.7 1.2 1.9 0.33 260 377 181 ACC% 67 71 74 70 69 60 63 56 66 62 63 49 62 53 SMOFC0158 SUMO CATTLE CO ITOSHIGENAMI C0158 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 CCOFC0446 COATES TANI C446 Sire:TBRFQ118 TRENT BRIDGE Q118 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN362 TRENT BRIDGE N362 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) WESFB0039 WESTHOLME B0039 WESFW0222 WESTHOLME TOMIE Dam:TBRFN295 TRENT BRIDGE N295 IMJFAJ2810 KITATERUYASUDOI J2810 HONGEN (IMP JAP) TBRFC0212 TRENT BRIDGE F C212 KT4FA0189 TAMARIND T4 DAI 2 KINNTOU05/2 LOT 6 TRENT BRIDGE U271 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -1.8 -2.1 3 6 3 6 -4 -1.3 4 13.1 2.9 0.8 3.2 0.51 364 351 317 ACC% 60 66 70 66 65 56 57 50 63 59 60 43 60 50 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR DSWFN4431 TYDDEWI N4431 AACFJ0147 WESTHOLME J0147 Sire:TBRFR122 TRENT BRIDGE R122 WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 TBRFN196 TRENT BRIDGE N196 TBRFF0134 TRENT BRIDGE F F134 WKSFM0139 WORLD K'S HARUKI 2 (FB1614) TBRFJ0077 TRENT BRIDGE J77 TBRFC0212 TRENT BRIDGE F C212 Dam:TBRFS100 TRENT BRIDGE S100 TBRFK0081 TRENT BRIDGE K0081 TBRFM0171 TRENT BRIDGE TBRFM171 TBRFF0125 TRENT BRIDGE F F0125 Identifier: TBRF23U262 DOB: 8/07/2023 Projected Weight: 440KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U346 DOB: 23/07/2023 Projected Weight: 445KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U271 DOB: 2/07/2023 Projected Weight: 447KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF NOTES: A beautifully balanced Q118 son who combines a very short gestation, moderate birth weight, good growth, positive milk and cracking carcase weight and marble score. A great bull from high content through to F1. NOTES: Out of a lovely J77 daughter this bull is loaded with powerful carcase traits. The third highest EMA in the catalogue (top 1%) and massive marble score of 3.2. Ideally suited to a premium F1 operation. Top 1% F1 Index and SRI. NOTES: An easy doing Q111 son who combines a very short gestation, a huge carcase weight, EMA and marble score. S603 was used in our donor program in 2023. U262 is in the top 1% for BFI and top 5% F1 index.

16 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets LOT 8 TRENT BRIDGE U279 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.1 3.2 20 34 41 35 2 0.5 41 7.9 -2.4 2.3 1.5 0.19 243 313 175 ACC% 62 68 71 66 65 56 58 52 63 59 60 44 59 51 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TBRFN185 TRENT BRIDGE N185 TBRFJ0047 TRENT BRIDGE J47 Dam:TBRFS361 TRENT BRIDGE S361 TBRFL00133 TRENT BRIDGE L0133 TBRFQ331 TRENT BRIDGE Q331 TBRFL00161 TRENT BRIDGE L0161 LOT 9 TRENT BRIDGE U118 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -1.3 1.8 10 19 24 35 2 -0.2 29 7.7 2.6 -0.2 1.8 0.35 254 318 218 ACC% 68 71 74 70 68 60 59 57 65 62 63 49 62 54 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 SMOFC0016 SUMO CATTLE CO TANI C016 Sire:OGWFQ038 OLIVE GROVE WAGYU Q038 AACFF0758 WESTHOLME HIRAMICHI TSURU AACFK5241 WESTHOLME K5241 AACFB0280 WESTHOLME MORIFUJI WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 SMOFC0152 SUMO CATTLE CO HANA C152 Dam:TBRFN358 TRENT BRIDGE N358 IMUFN2294 TF ITOHANA 2 (IMP USA) TBRFE0101 TRENT BRIDGE F E101 TBRFB0204 TRENT BRIDGE F B204 LOT 7 TRENT BRIDGE U320 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.8 2.1 17 29 38 50 3 -0.5 39 13.2 -1.4 2.3 2.5 0.44 356 442 268 ACC% 63 69 72 68 67 59 59 55 64 61 62 48 62 54 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 SMOFC0152 SUMO CATTLE CO HANA C152 Dam:TBRFQ135 TRENT BRIDGE Q135 WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 TBRFK0005 TRENT BRIDGE K0005 TBRFF0134 TRENT BRIDGE F F134 Identifier: TBRF23U320 DOB: 21/07/2023 Projected Weight: 487KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U279 DOB: 8/07/2023 Projected Weight: 480KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U118 DOB: 18/07/2023 Projected Weight: 465KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF NOTES: A bull ideally suited to purebred production. Strong birthweight, growth and milk and a solid marble score. Free of all recessive genes. NOTES: Q38 was our standout sire in the 2023 sale and has a number of sons in this year’s draft. His progeny are phenotypically outstanding and have great growth, milk and marble score. U118 exemplifies the type of progeny he produces. NOTES: Another R112 who has the pedigree and balance of EBV’s to be a significant asset to any production system. Strong growth figures and big milk combined with a huge EMA and marble score. Top 1% SRI.

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 17 LOT 11 TRENT BRIDGE U694 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.2 1.9 13 19 27 29 5 0.1 19 13.4 -2.2 1.5 3.1 0.43 330 478 298 ACC% 67 71 73 71 71 65 65 62 69 67 67 57 67 60 PEDFA201 MONJIRO J11550 WKSFM0139 WORLD K'S HARUKI 2 (FB1614) PEDFA206 SAKURA 2 J741638 Sire:WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 PEDFA211 TANISHIGE 1526 - KURO KOH WKSFL0976 WORLD K'S SUZUTANI (FB1617) PEDFASUZUNAMI SUZUNAMI 472255 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 SMOFC0152 SUMO CATTLE CO HANA C152 Dam:TBRFP341 TRENT BRIDGE P341 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 LOT 12 TRENT BRIDGE U702 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -1.8 1.8 12 21 26 27 1 -1.2 21 7.8 -2.1 0.9 3 0.45 315 430 262 ACC% 66 71 72 69 68 60 58 55 65 61 62 49 61 52 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 SMOFC0016 SUMO CATTLE CO TANI C016 Sire:LSRFQ0102 DOOR KEY Q0102 LFDFD12558 LONGFORD MR AWESOME LSRFM0281 DOOR KEY M0281 LSRFJ0409 DOOR KEY J409 IMJFAJ2810 KITATERUYASUDOI J2810 HONGEN (IMP JAP) BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TWAFU0561 TWA F U561 Dam:TBRFQ120 TRENT BRIDGE Q120 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN347 TRENT BRIDGE N347 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 LOT 10 TRENT BRIDGE U488 Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV 0.4 1.4 18 26 38 33 3 0.3 36 9.4 -1.6 2.2 1.8 0.25 264 356 198 ACC% 62 69 72 67 66 58 59 53 64 60 61 45 60 51 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 GOSFT0060 GOSHU MICHITOMO TBRFL00156 TRENT BRIDGE TBRFL156 TBRFE0101 TRENT BRIDGE F E101 Dam:TBRFN327 TRENT BRIDGE N327 TBRFD0103 TRENT BRIDGE F D103 TBRFJ0046 TRENT BRIDGE J46 TBRFB0212 TRENT BRIDGE F B212 Identifier: TBRF23U488 DOB: 17/08/2023 Projected Weight: 441KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U694 DOB: 30/07/2023 Projected Weight: 442KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U702 DOB: 4/08/2023 Projected Weight: 485KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF NOTES: This bull might be the pick of the sale with genuine stud potential. A direct Shigeshigetani son with A grade EBV’s: solid growth, huge milk, the second highest EMA in the catalogue and a huge marble score. Top 1% F1 Index and BF Index. Free of all recessive genes. NOTES: Q120 was the dam of sale topping bull lot 4 last year and continues to produce outstanding progeny. Another bull who could make a huge contribution from a genuine stud sire to F1 production. Top 5% all three indexes. NOTES: A recessive free R112 son who exemplifies the type of balanced animal we are trying to produce. A great combination of growth, milk, carcase weight, EMA and marble score. Top 10% BFI and SRI.

18 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets LOT 14 TRENT BRIDGE U706 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV 0.6 1.2 10 18 14 14 1 -1.1 28 6.8 -0.8 0.9 2.9 0.46 288 444 249 ACC% 66 71 72 69 68 58 58 52 64 60 61 47 60 50 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 SMOFC0016 SUMO CATTLE CO TANI C016 Sire:LSRFQ0102 DOOR KEY Q0102 LFDFD12558 LONGFORD MR AWESOME LSRFM0281 DOOR KEY M0281 LSRFJ0409 DOOR KEY J409 BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TBRFN185 TRENT BRIDGE N185 TBRFJ0047 TRENT BRIDGE J47 Dam:TBRFR272 TRENT BRIDGE R272 AACFF0742 WESTHOLME NAMIYOSHIKATSU TBRFP312 TRENT BRIDGE P312 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 LOT 15 TRENT BRIDGE U698 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -4.5 -2.2 6 13 16 22 5 -0.2 12 8.9 2.2 0.5 2.2 0.29 275 274 254 ACC% 67 71 73 71 71 65 65 61 69 67 67 57 67 60 PEDFA201 MONJIRO J11550 WKSFM0139 WORLD K'S HARUKI 2 (FB1614) PEDFA206 SAKURA 2 J741638 Sire:WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 PEDFA211 TANISHIGE 1526 - KURO KOH WKSFL0976 WORLD K'S SUZUTANI (FB1617) PEDFASUZUNAMI SUZUNAMI 472255 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 SMOFC0152 SUMO CATTLE CO HANA C152 Dam:TBRFP341 TRENT BRIDGE P341 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 LOT 13 TRENT BRIDGE U695 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.5 -1.5 0 1 5 7 -4 -0.5 11 7.8 -0.5 1.3 2.6 0.31 236 309 208 ACC% 66 71 73 71 69 62 61 57 69 67 67 55 68 59 PEDFAJ1081 ITOKITATSURU J1081 IMUFLTF151 ITOZURUDOI TF151 (IMP USA) PEDFAJ433313 YASUHIME J433313 Sire:ADBFH0602 MAYURA HERALD WKSFP0001 WORLD K'S KITAGUNI JR SF FC0531 SAMURAI FARMS SUZUNAMI C531 GOSFV0109 GOSHU ITOSHI V109 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Dam:TBRFR101 TRENT BRIDGE R101 TBRFM0100 TRENT BRIDGE TBRFM100 TBRFP284 TRENT BRIDGE P284 TBRFH0141 TRENT BRIDGE F H0141 Identifier: TBRF23U695 DOB: 26/07/2023 Projected Weight: 420KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSC, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U706 DOB: 30/07/2023 Projected Weight: 465KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U698 DOB: 2/08/2023 Projected Weight: 442KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF NOTES: Another well balanced high marbling Q102 son out of a N185 cow. Top 5% for marble score and F1 index and BF index. NOTES: Our second Shigeshigetani son who again combines very strong milk, big EMA and strong marble score. Top 5% F1 index. NOTES: We purchased Mayura Herald semen in 2021 because of his outstanding carcase traits and his diverse pedigree to breed future stud bulls for our own program. U695 is a great example of the type of bull we have been able to produce.

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 19 LOT 17 TRENT BRIDGE U129 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.3 2.7 23 42 58 77 2 1.4 69 3 1.8 -0.3 1.4 0.4 264 365 199 ACC% 67 71 73 69 68 59 61 54 65 61 62 47 62 52 SMOFC0158 SUMO CATTLE CO ITOSHIGENAMI C0158 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 CCOFC0446 COATES TANI C446 Sire:TBRFQ118 TRENT BRIDGE Q118 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN362 TRENT BRIDGE N362 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN346 TRENT BRIDGE N346 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 Dam:TBRFR208 TRENT BRIDGE R208 WKSFS0100 WORLD K'S YASUFUKU JR (FB5061) TBRFL00119 TRENT BRIDGE L0119 TBRFE0113 TRENT BRIDGE F E113 LOT 18 TRENT BRIDGE U117 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.2 -0.7 5 0 0 -1 -4 -1.7 -10 11.4 -1.2 0.8 3.3 0.51 328 345 290 ACC% 66 70 72 69 68 59 59 54 64 60 61 45 61 52 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR DSWFN4431 TYDDEWI N4431 AACFJ0147 WESTHOLME J0147 Sire:MSMFR0049 MARATHON ITOSHIGENAMI R0049 SMOFE0148 SUMO CATTLE CO HIRASHIGETAYASU E148 MCKFL01295 CODENWARRA HIRASHIGETAYASU L1295 MCKFC0332 CODENWARRA F C332 PEDFA201 MONJIRO J11550 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU PEDFA215 MICHIKO J655635 Dam:TBRFK0066 TRENT BRIDGE K0066 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFD0151 TRENT BRIDGE F D151 KT4FW0006 TAMARIND T4 AIRAHII 01/1 LOT 16 TRENT BRIDGE U301 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.2 -0.6 5 9 18 14 2 -0.1 24 9.6 0.2 0.6 3 0.47 296 450 280 ACC% 62 68 71 67 66 56 56 50 63 59 59 41 59 49 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR PMGFL00013 PEPPERMILL GROVE L0013 EVIDENCE PMGFG0037 PEPPERMILL GROVE G037 Sire:TBRFR214 TRENT BRIDGE R214 TBRFM0100 TRENT BRIDGE TBRFM100 TBRFP273 TRENT BRIDGE P273 TBRFK0059 TRENT BRIDGE K0059 CCOFG0113 COATES ITOSHIGENAMI G113 TBRFQ111 TRENT BRIDGE Q111 TBRFN190 TRENT BRIDGE N190 Dam:TBRFS388 TRENT BRIDGE S388 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFQ154 TRENT BRIDGE Q154 TBRFH0117 TRENT BRIDGE F H117 Identifier: TBRF23U301 DOB: 5/07/2023 Projected Weight: 455KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSC, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U129 DOB: 16/07/2023 Projected Weight: 532KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL1613%, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U117 DOB: 13/07/2023 Projected Weight: 444KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF NOTES: By N346 on the bottom side, a bull with some of the strongest milk traits in the breed, U129, is a thumping bull is perfectly suited to a purebred herd. Fantastic growth figures and carcase weight combined with a strong marble score. Top 10% SRI and BFI. NOTES: The first of the R49 sons; a stylish bull bred by Marathon Wagyu and now owned by Chiconi Grazing. U117 has one of the highest marble scores in the catalogue. Top 1% F1 index. Top 5% SRI. NOTES: The first of the R214 sons who brings a huge EMA and strong marble score. Moderate growth combined with very strong carcase traits. Top 1% F1 index.

20 | Premium Genetics for Premium Markets LOT 20 TRENT BRIDGE U121 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.3 1.8 14 28 39 38 3 -0.6 26 8.2 -1.7 1.4 1.7 0.21 265 296 199 ACC% 62 69 72 68 67 58 59 54 64 60 61 46 61 52 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR ADBFX0001 MAYURA DAI NI KINNTOU 1 Sire:TBRFR112 TRENT BRIDGE R112 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 TBRFC0215 TRENT BRIDGE F C215 BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TBRFN160 TRENT BRIDGE N160 TBRFD0120 TRENT BRIDGE F D120 Dam:TBRFR344 TRENT BRIDGE R344 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFP162 TRENT BRIDGE P162 TBRFL00154 TRENT BRIDGE L0154 LOT 21 TRENT BRIDGE U705 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.3 0.99 152326 0 -0.2 25 10.7 -2.8 2.2 2.5 0.26 270 402 224 ACC% 67 71 73 71 70 64 65 60 69 66 67 56 67 60 PEDFA201 MONJIRO J11550 WKSFM0139 WORLD K'S HARUKI 2 (FB1614) PEDFA206 SAKURA 2 J741638 Sire:WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 PEDFA211 TANISHIGE 1526 - KURO KOH WKSFL0976 WORLD K'S SUZUTANI (FB1617) PEDFASUZUNAMI SUZUNAMI 472255 ADBFA0139 MAYURA ITOSHIGENAMI JNR DSWFN4431 TYDDEWI N4431 AACFJ0147 WESTHOLME J0147 Dam:TBRFR180 TRENT BRIDGE R180 TBRFK0072 TRENT BRIDGE K0072 TBRFN305 TRENT BRIDGE N305 TBRFL00154 TRENT BRIDGE L0154 LOT 19 TRENT BRIDGE U325 (AI) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -1.7 2 12 25 28 36 -1 -0.6 36 7.2 -0.4 0.9 2.1 0.42 277 360 214 ACC% 67 71 73 70 68 60 60 56 65 61 62 48 61 52 WKSFM0164 WORLD K'S MICHIFUKU SMOFF0154 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F154 SMOFC0016 SUMO CATTLE CO TANI C016 Sire:OGWFQ038 OLIVE GROVE WAGYU Q038 AACFF0758 WESTHOLME HIRAMICHI TSURU AACFK5241 WESTHOLME K5241 AACFB0280 WESTHOLME MORIFUJI IMJFAJ2810 KITATERUYASUDOI J2810 HONGEN (IMP JAP) LFDFY0004 LONGFORD 004 LFDFT0480 LONGFORD MUTSU Dam:TBRFN130 TRENT BRIDGE N130 WKSFP1593 WORLD K'S SHIGESHIGETANI 1593 TBRFL00116 TRENT BRIDGE L0116 TBRFF0134 TRENT BRIDGE F F134 Identifier: TBRF23U325 DOB: 24/07/2023 Projected Weight: 451KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U121 DOB: 20/07/2023 Projected Weight: 464KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U705 DOB: 4/08/2023 Projected Weight: 427KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSF NOTES: Another great example of the type of balanced progeny that R112 is producing. Moderate growth, strong milk, big EMA and strong marble score. Top 10% SRI. NOTES: Another Shigeshigetani embryo, this time out of a N4431 daughter. Again combines strong growth with a huge EMA and big marble score. Top 5% BFI. Top 10% F1 Index and SRI. NOTES: Like peas in a pod, this is another very well balanced Q38 son, out of a Y004 cow. Combines short gestation, strong growth and big marble score. Top 10% in all 3 indexes.

Trent Bridge Bull Sale 2024 | 21 LOT 23 TRENT BRIDGE U701 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -0.6 1.6 8 19 22 34 -2 -0.3 27 2.8 -1.1 0.4 1.8 0.38 196 275 155 ACC% 67 72 74 72 71 63 63 58 70 67 68 55 68 59 PEDFAJ1081 ITOKITATSURU J1081 IMUFLTF151 ITOZURUDOI TF151 (IMP USA) PEDFAJ433313 YASUHIME J433313 Sire:ADBFH0602 MAYURA HERALD WKSFP0001 WORLD K'S KITAGUNI JR SF FC0531 SAMURAI FARMS SUZUNAMI C531 GOSFV0109 GOSHU ITOSHI V109 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) WESFB0039 WESTHOLME B0039 WESFW0222 WESTHOLME TOMIE Dam:TBRFN307 TRENT BRIDGE N307 TBRFD0103 TRENT BRIDGE F D103 TBRFJ0049 TRENT BRIDGE J49 TBRFF0103 TRENT BRIDGE F F0103 LOT 24 TRENT BRIDGE U704 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2.2 0.6 15 18 23 11 1 -0.5 6 6.3 -1.4 1.2 3 0.23 280 389 233 ACC% 65 71 73 71 70 65 66 61 69 67 68 57 68 61 PEDFA10632 SHIGESHIGENAMI J10632 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) PEDFA661 FUKUYUKI Sire:LFDFD12558 LONGFORD MR AWESOME IMUFQTF147 ITOSHIGEFUJI (IMP USA) LFDFZ0570 LONGFORD LFDB570 LFDFV0078 LONGFORD 0078 IMJFAJ2810 KITATERUYASUDOI J2810 HONGEN (IMP JAP) BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TWAFU0561 TWA F U561 Dam:TBRFQ120 TRENT BRIDGE Q120 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN347 TRENT BRIDGE N347 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 LOT 22 TRENT BRIDGE U693 (ET) Yearling JULY 2024 BREEDPLAN EBVS GL (D) BWT (KG) 200 (KG) 400 (KG) 600 (KG) MCW (KG) MILK (KG) SS (CM) CWT (KG) EMA (SQ CM) RUMP (MM) RBY (%) MARBLE FINENESS (%) SRI $ BFI $ F1 TI $ EBV -2 -0.4 8 12 16 10 1 -1.3 7 9.3 -2 1.4 3.4 0.34 318 433 272 ACC% 65 71 73 71 70 65 66 61 69 67 68 57 68 61 PEDFA10632 SHIGESHIGENAMI J10632 IMUFQTF148 ITOSHIGENAMI (IMP USA) PEDFA661 FUKUYUKI Sire:LFDFD12558 LONGFORD MR AWESOME IMUFQTF147 ITOSHIGEFUJI (IMP USA) LFDFZ0570 LONGFORD LFDB570 LFDFV0078 LONGFORD 0078 IMJFAJ2810 KITATERUYASUDOI J2810 HONGEN (IMP JAP) BDWFY0408 MACQUARIE WAGYU Y408 TWAFU0561 TWA F U561 Dam:TBRFQ120 TRENT BRIDGE Q120 SMOFF0126 SUMO CATTLE CO MICHIFUKU F126 TBRFN347 TRENT BRIDGE N347 TBRFF0118 TRENT BRIDGE F F0118 Identifier: TBRF23U693 DOB: 31/07/2023 Projected Weight: 415KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11F, IARSC Identifier: TBRF23U701 DOB: 6/08/2023 Projected Weight: 507KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSF Identifier: TBRF23U704 DOB: 9/08/2023 Projected Weight: 438KG Gene Status: B3F, CHSF, CL16FU, F11C, IARSC NOTES: Another Herald son out of an exceptional B39 cow. One of the heaviest bulls in the catalogue and combines a great balance of EBV’s. NOTES: A full flush sibling to lot 22. This bull has stronger growth traits, positive milk and huge marble score. Top 5% BFI. NOTES: This is the first opportunity we have had to present for sale, progeny of the legendary Longford Mr Awesome. This is a bull needing no introduction, joined to one the best cows in our herd, Q120. And we are thrilled with the progeny. Top 1% marbles score, top 5% all 3 indexes.