
*the science of growing N U T R I O L O G Y * Suitable for use with all soil types. Apply pre-planting or during the active growing season. 90% SOLUBLE HUMIC ACID (AS POTASSIUM HUMATE) Reg. No. 3456M ANALYSIS ELEMENT %W/W Total Potassium Humate and Fulvate 70-75 Potassium (K) 13.00 Particle Size: 2-5mm 0-2mm DIRECTIONS FOR USE: APPLICATION: An application rate of 2-10 kg/Ha each growing season is recommended. For greater effect and convenience, it is recommended that K-humate S90 Granulated is mixed with the fertilizer to be applied in the field. K-humate S90 Granulated can be applied in conjunction with agricultural lime, and conventional fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and DAP to maximise the efficiency of the fertilizers. When mixing with other liquid fertilizers, test for compatibility with a small quantity in a jar. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Every care is taken during the manufacture of this product. However, as environmental conditions can vary considerably, no responsibility can be taken by the manufacturer, importer or his agents for any injury, damage, loss or other results following the use or misuse of this product. *the science of growing N U T R I O L O G Y * Suitable for use with all soil types. Apply pre-planting or during the active growing season. 90% SOLUBLE HU IC ACID (AS P TASSIU HU ATE) Reg. No. 3456M ANALYSIS ELEMENT %W/W Total Potassium Humate and Fulvate 70-75 Potassium (K) 13.00 Particle Size: 2-5mm 0-2mm DIRECTIONS FOR USE: APPLICATION: An application rate of 2-10 kg/Ha each growing season is recommended. For greater effect and convenience, it is recommended that K-humate S90 Granulated is mixed with the fertilizer to be applied in the field. K-humate S90 Granulated can be applied in conjunction with agricultural lime, and conventional fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and DAP to maximise the efficiency of the fertilizers. When mixing with other liquid fertilizers, test for compatibility with a small quantity in a jar. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Every care is taken during the manufacture of this product. However, as environmental conditions can vary considerably, no responsibility can be taken by the manufacturer, importer or his agents for any injury, damage, loss or other results following the use or misuse of this product. *the science of growing N U T R I O L O G Y * 25kg Suitable for use with all soil types. Apply pre-planting or during the active growing season. 90% SOLUBLE HUMIC ACID (AS POTASSIUM HUMATE) Reg. No. 3456M ANALYSIS ELEMENT %W/W Total Potassium Humate and Fulvate 70-75 P ssium (K) 13.00 article Size: 2-5mm 0-2mm DIRECTIONS FOR USE: APPLICATION: An application rate of 2-10 kg/Ha each growing season is recommended. For greater effect and convenience, it is recommended that K-humate S90 Granulated is mixed with the fertilizer to be applied in the field. K-humate S90 Granulated can be applied in conjunction with agricultural lime, and conventional fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and DAP to maximise the efficiency of the fertilizers. When mixing with other liquid fertilizers, test for compatibility with a small quantity in a jar. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Every care is taken during the manufacture of this product. However, as environmental conditions can vary considerably, no responsibility can be taken by the manufacturer, importer or his agents for any injury, damage, loss or other results following the use or misuse of this product. *the science of growing N U T R I O L O G Y * Suitable for us with all soil types. ANALYSIS ELEMENT %W/W Tot l Potassium Humate and Fulvate 70-75 Potassium (K) 13.00 Particle Size: 2-5mm 0-2mm DIRECTIONS FOR USE: APPLICATION: An pplication rate of 2-10 kg/Ha each growing season is recommended. For greater effect and convenience, it is recommended that K-humate S90 Granulated is mixed with the fertilizer to be applied in the field. K-humate S90 Gra ulated can be applied in conjunction wi h agricultural lime, and conventional fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and DAP to maximise the efficiency of the fertilizers. When mixing with other liquid fertilizers, test for compatibility with a small quantity in a jar. CONDITIONS OF SALE: Every care is taken during the manufacture of this product. However, as environmental conditions can vary considerably, no r sponsibility can be taken by the manu acturer, importer or his agents for any injury, dama e, los or other results following the use or misuse of this product. 60-65 10.00 2-4mm m F r r ater effect and co enience, it is recomme ed that Potassium Humate Gr nulated is mixed with the f rtili r t e applied i t e fi l . Potassium Humate Granulated can be applied in conjunction with agricultural lim , and conventional fertilizers like urea, superphosphate and DAP to maximise the fficiency of the fertilizers. tassium (K 2 O) rticle Size: N U T R I O L O G Y *